Prison Ministry
Minister Alicia Siryon-Wells, W.A.R. Coordinator,
under the direction of Chaplain Cristina Ferri, Woman's Facility Chaplain
".....When I was in prison and you visited me...." Mathew 25:36
Becoming a part of Prison Ministry is not time consuming, but it should be heart-consuming!
This once-a-month ministry currently ministers in Women's Facililty at the Rhode Island ACI. Team Members can volunteer as often as once a month, or as little as 2 times a year. If the worship arts being presented requires it, team members may meet for a brief rehearsal on occasion. This ministry is not demanding at all, as far as time and schedules are concerned. The only "demand" is that we sincerely care about the inmates, and 'show up' for them when scheduled to do so, even if it's only a couple of times a year. The women sincerely look forward to seeing us and engaging in an arts-driven Bible Study, so therefore, it has to really matter to us!

Anyone can visit the Prison (with proper clearance) but we greatly prefer that you join this ministry team and gain full prison access.
You will need to set up a Training Day through the Volunteer Service Office. This is one 4-hour session, either during the day or in the evening, that will allow you to have prison access anytime WAR is ministering. For now, simply contact WAR Prison Coordinator, Alicia Siryon-Wells, and she will walk you through the process. Email: alicia.wells32@gmail.com